On Ice Help & Coaching Requirements

BC Hockey requires that ALL on Ice Volunteers/ Coaches/ Team Directors to have the following courses

1. Criminal Record Check:  

The access code provided below is unique to Taylor Minor Hockey Association.. This code will be required by TMHA volunteers when submitting an online request for a Criminal Record Check 

Online Link: https://justice.gov.bc.ca/eCRC/

Access Code: WZJQUL8WF4 

Click link below to obtain a printable letter of intent to volunteer to take into RCMP office for a Criminal Record Check



2. Respect in Sports (Coaches): 

Respect in Sport (RIS) Guidelines

  • The minimum age of participants is 16 years old as of December 31 of the current season
  • RIS certification expires after five (5) years
  • Mandatory for all coaches and HCSP persons
  • Officials on teams intending to participate in BC Hockey Championships must be qualified in RIS by December 1 of the current season



3. Concussion Awareness (CATT): 

Cattonline.com provides up-to-date concussion education for parents and coaches. It includes video lessons and resources to effectively prevent, recognize and manage a players recovery.



National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)

Each season thousands of volunteer coaches help and share BC Hockey's excellence by educating our players in the sport of hockey.  Our organization is proud to offer our coaches the top programs in the world.  Within the these coaching pages, you will be guided through the NCCP and NCMP program offerings.


Search for the e-learning clinic via Hockey Canada E-Hockey.

The course is called HU - Comm Coach Stream.


Register for the e-learning course.


Complete the course.

Upon completion you are now set for the face to face clinic. Since the e-learning course is a pre-requisite, you will not be eligible to register until the e-learning modules are complete.


Register for the Coach 2 - Coach Level clinic of your choice via Hockey Canada E-Hockey.


Complete the face to face clinic.

Upon completion, you are qualified.



** Registration Portals will be up on BC Hockey “Clinics” site soon, keep checking BC Hockey Clinic site.

**Be advised: 

*If a coach already (previously to 2017) ascertained his/her Coach 2 or Hybrid certification they are able to coach Prenovice and Novice.  New to coaching coaches (one starting this year) will require Coach 1 (Intro to Coaching) to coach Prenovice and Novice.

*Head Coaches of Atom to Midget House or Rep, require Checking Clinic Certification. If they have taken the new Coach 2 clinic they will be fine as Checking Certification is now covered in that course. If a coach only has the Hybrid or Dev 1 courses, they will require the Checking Clinic. 


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