Respect in Sport (RIS) Guidelines
Search | Search for the e-learning clinic via Hockey Canada E-Hockey. The course is called HU - Comm Coach Stream. |
Register | Register for the e-learning course. |
Complete | Complete the course. Upon completion you are now set for the face to face clinic. Since the e-learning course is a pre-requisite, you will not be eligible to register until the e-learning modules are complete. |
Register | Register for the Coach 2 - Coach Level clinic of your choice via Hockey Canada E-Hockey. |
Complete | Complete the face to face clinic. Upon completion, you are qualified. |
** Registration Portals will be up on BC Hockey “Clinics” site soon, keep checking BC Hockey Clinic site.
**Be advised:
*If a coach already (previously to 2017) ascertained his/her Coach 2 or Hybrid certification they are able to coach Prenovice and Novice. New to coaching coaches (one starting this year) will require Coach 1 (Intro to Coaching) to coach Prenovice and Novice.
*Head Coaches of Atom to Midget House or Rep, require Checking Clinic Certification. If they have taken the new Coach 2 clinic they will be fine as Checking Certification is now covered in that course. If a coach only has the Hybrid or Dev 1 courses, they will require the Checking Clinic.